As many as 52% of Russians want their next president to be a left-wing politician and an advocate of social justice, according to a recent poll. About 54% of respondents said the next president must represent a strong and powerful authority.
What kind of president do Russians want as a successor to Vladimir Putin?
According to the poll, conducted by Russia's National Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM), every other Russian wants the next president to be an advocate of social justice and to take care of all strata of the population, especially the most disadvantaged. On the other hand, 20 percent said they wanted a right-wing, market-oriented head of state, who would first and foremost ensure government support of effective and competitive businesses. As many as 9 percent of respondents would prefer the new president to pursue a different policy, while 19 percent said they were not sure.
The VTsIOM survey indicates that 54 percent of the population would like to see the future president an advocate of a strong state, while only 7 percent preferred a weak power. Only 22 percent approve of a market economy compared to some 43 percent who would prefer a socialist economic model.
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