Unusual, Unseen and Outright Bizarre

This year's event was unique in its display of the works of authors renowned for achievements in other fields. One example is the mysterious "Fish" by Andrei Makarevich, who is better known as a rock singer, writer and TV and radio host.

According to Andrei Kuznetsov, a realist painter who has lived in the United States for 14 years, the exhibit is a collection of works "from the bottom of the heart." Yevgeny Agoshkov, who heads the RCC, said the show was unique. "For the first time in the history of the RCC, the organizers Ekaterina Moskovskaya Artist Union of Russia in USA managed to create a whole exhibit featuring paintings by renowned Russian artists currently living in the U.S.," he said.
According to Agoshkov, the show provided a rare chance to trace the formation of a new trend in both American and Russian art: "Russian artists trained in old Soviet traditions find themselves working in an unfamiliar environment, in a different country with great diversity, a unique flair and global outlook and very intense vitality. As they try to adapt, to adjust creatively to this new reality, they end up creating something well beyond the usual limits and rules of either artistic school." -

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