Source: Drawing by Drew Tkalenko
Following the 2012 elections, there are any number of routes that Russia’s future development might take in the next five to eight years. Working out what these might be and coming up with an optimal model for development was the task of the Valdai International Club at its recent annual meeting in Kaluga. Political scientists and experts from 14 countries gathered to predict Russia’s future path.
First, five scenarios were discussed ranging from a future hard-line authoritarian regime to a democratic revolution, accompanied by a total change of the ruling elite. In between these extremes were intermediate variants reflecting the directions the country might take under certain conditions. These included: liberal-democratic reforms; authoritarian modernisation; and an inertia model, based on preservation of the status quo and a form of stagnation.
None of the proposed models, the participants concluded, was realistic. The
authoritarian modernisation path, though slightly closer to reality than the
other scenarios, still failed to take into account many of the factors
characteristic of Russia
today. Instead, a sixth scenario emerged that takes account of the most obvious
trends reflecting the general direction of society. It is basically about
gradual accumulation of forces for future change, which will take place
simultaneously with a restructuring of society. Sergei Karaganov, head of the
Foreign and Defence Policy Council, who chairs the Valdai Club meetings,
described that path as an “incremental development” model.
Some of the more fiercely anti-establishment participants in the forum tried to
convince their colleagues that a revolution was inevitable. But this
possibility was dismissed by the Russian participants and virtually all the
foreign members. That is not to say that attempts to rock the boat will not be
made by either the right or the left of the Russian political spectrum.
Why do most of the political analysts gathered in Kaluga see the “incremental” model as the
most realistic? Because this path guarantees Russia domestic stability and
predictable external relations. All the other scenarios proposed for discussion
were hypothetical: they might materialise only in the event of unforeseen
global events on a scale that could change the course of world history.
The West’s hopes of rapid modernisation after the elections are unlikely to be
met, according to experts. They believe Russia will enter a period of
stagnation with a positive trend – whereby the country, historically based on a
besieged-fortress mentality, will have no need for mobilisation, either
peaceful or military. The outside world, given the anticipated chaos in
international relations, would not pose any obvious threats. The experts
believe that this situation will give Moscow
breathing space.
The second most probable scenario – “authoritarian modernisation” – far from
running counter to the “incremental” scenario, actually corresponds to it in
many ways and may become its driving force. Both models envisage rapid economic
development with high levels of political stagnation.
In the “incremental” model, the political elite seeks to maintain the current rate
of development and tries to defuse popular discontent through social
programmes. Meanwhile, “authoritarian modernisation” implies selective economic
and political reforms, carefully controlled by the ruling elite.
Will the outside world permit Russia
to implement the “incremental” scenario? On the one hand, in the coming years
the West will be preoccupied with its systemic crisis and may simply have no
time for Russia.
On the other, Europe may become impatient with
what it considers to be a slow evolution, with inevitable elements of
stagnation. If so, will it try to isolate Russia? In this model of
development, Russia may not
fit into Europe’s idealistic perceptions.
Whatever domestic policy strategy the
Russian leadership chooses after the presidential elections, the foreign policy
rapprochement with Asia will continue. There
is no question of a pointed freezing of relations with the EU, but
diversification of international links will be a Russian priority for the next
five years. As one participant in the discussion said: “Orientation on Asia is
not a choice of civilisation but a necessity that will enable Russia to maintain a worthy place
in world politics.”
Linking Asia to Europe
In 2012, Russia will, for
the first time, host an Apec (Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation) summit in Vladivostok. As its
temporary president, Moscow has suggested that
the region’s countries discuss, along with food security and innovation, a
programme for the development of transport and logistics to link Asia to Europe
and the US.
Russia is interested in
becoming a key transit country, tapping the potential of Siberia and the Far East. The Valdai Club’s forthcoming report on the
challenges facing Russia and
Asia suggests the agencies in Moscow be
transferred to Irkutsk,
east of the Urals, creating a new economic capital there.
Moscow is prepared for closer links with Europe,
but does not see a reciprocal attitude from Europe, which is fencing itself off
from Russia
through visas and prohibitive barriers to Russian business. The dialogue
between Moscow
and the EU shows signs of weariness, with both sides unwilling to admit they
need a pause in mutual relations.
How long that pause will last – six months, a year, several years – depends on
when Europe stops seeing Russia
as a junior partner and demonstrates the willingness and ability to launch
co-operation programmes. So far, Russia-EU summits have had the same,
constantly shrinking agenda. In contrast, Asia is looking for closer links with
and is ready to treat it as an equal partner, hoping for economic benefits.
The middle-class masses
A Chinese political scientist at the Valdai Club meeting asked what role China will play in modernising Russia. Moscow does not yet have a clear answer to
that question. But it is worth noting that Prime Minister Vladimir Putin’s
first foreign visit after becoming a presidential candidate was to China.
Paraphrasing Archimedes’ dictum, “Give me a place to stand on and I will move
the Earth,” one could say that sociologists see the middle classes as a force
capable of moving Russia
in the next five to seven years. According to a focus group study presented to
the Valdai Club by Mikhail Dmitriyev, head of the Strategic Development Centre,
by 2018 the middle class will account for 60 percent of adults in cities and 45 percent in
the country as a whole. The trend towards rising incomes and the potential
demographic situation were factored in. According to these calculations, by
2018, the left-wing electorate will be in the minority, greatly reducing the
risk of left-wing populists winning power.
Sociologists claim that, according to their surveys, the middle class today is
interested in politics but is not yet an independent political force. It
expects the state to deliver clear and immutable rules for doing business, but
does not want government interference in the affairs of the business community.
The path Russia
takes will depend on whether the future middle class rallies under the banners
of a party, and, very importantly, what its cultural level and ethnic
composition will be.
But the head of the Russkiy Mir fund, Vyacheslav Nikonov, says developing even
the most plausible scenarios for Russia’s development makes no
sense, and traps the participants in an “old-fashioned intellectual model”. The
discussion needs to focus on concrete projects that determine the future of the
state: the budget, prospects for re-industrialisation and innovation. These are
the key parameters that will determine how Russia develops, who its partners
will be, and what configuration of the political system will emerge.
Yevgeny Shestakov is editor of the international desk at Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
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