Russian Nerpa joins the Indian navy next month

Source: Kommersant

Source: Kommersant

Shortly before the beginning of the12th bilateral Indo-Russian summit, official sources confirmed that the Russian Nerpa class nuclear submarine joins the Indian navy in January 2012.

According to the agreement, the submarine, which is on a 10-year lease by the Indian navy, will be transported to India already by the end of December.

Nuclear powered submarines require special skills to operate compared to conventional diesel-powered submarines, which is why Indian navy staff have been training on the nuclear submarine for the past several months.  

Prime Minister is not expected to conclude any defense agreement during his two-day visit to Russia but still the defense cooperation is expected to be one of the priority subjects during the talks between the two sides.

Read more about Manmohan Singh visit to Moscow:


Despite India’s recent intentions to acquire defense platforms and equipment from the USA and Israel, Indo-Russian cooperation in the defense industry dates back to 1960s and Russia remains a major supplier of the defense hardware equipment to India.

India is also expected to sign an agreement to buy 40 more fly-by-wire Sukhoi 30 heavy combat jets from Russia in the near time.  

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