Japan’s Mainichi to Issue a Supplement about Russia

Japan’s Mainichi to Issue a Supplement about Russia

A new monthly Japanese-language supplement about Russia is published as part of Mainichi, a leading Japanese newspaper, starting June 14. The supplement is part of Rossiyskaya Gazeta’s global Russia Beyond the Headlines project. Mainichi has a circulation of more than a million copies and is distributed in the seven prefectures that make up the Greater Tokyo Area. All of the supplement’s materials, including multimedia, will be posted in the Japanese section of RG’s international project website.

“For a year we issued a four-page supplement with around the same number of copies in Yomiuri Shimbun, and we are grateful to that newspaper for our publishing experience in Japan,” says Eugene Abov, Rossiyskaya Gazeta Deputy CEO of International Supplements.

“The agreement with Mainichi builds on our experience and opens up new and exciting media opportunities. The number of pages in the Russian supplement has doubled, and its materials will be available on the partner’s website. In 2012, the year of Russia’s APEC chairmanship, it is important that a special Russian section will appear in Mainichi’s business magazine, The Economist. Furthermore, our partners have suggested jointly organizing a large-scale Russia-Japan forum to address bilateral issues as early as this year.”

Mainichi Editor-in-Chief Mr. Teruo Tsuneda admitted during his visit to Moscow that stereotypes about Russians are still strong in Japan. “Our mission is to eradicate bias and get to know each other better. We would like to become a bridge between Japan and Russia. If you plan to bring Russian musicians or an exhibit of Russian art to Japan, you can count on Mainichi’s support,” Mr. Tsuneda promises. “You have a lot to show –nature, art, cuisine, fashion… You need to demonstrate Russia’s appeal, especially to those who have never been to your country. We are interested in not only the paper, but also the digital format, and specifically in content for mobile devices. And there should be more vivid topics – the main thing is not to let our readers get bored.”

You can find RussiaNOW's webpage on Mainichi's website in the special editorial column. It offers fresh articles, photos and other content published daily on roshianow.jp.

Also you can look through the supplement’s latest issue here.

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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