RBTH launches Singapore, Taiwan supplements

RBTH launches Singapore, Taiwan supplements

Following the successful debut of Russia Beyond the Headlines’ English-language supplement in Singapore’s Today newspaper on August 25, a similar supplement will appear in Taiwan’s United Daily Press on August 28. Both publications have been launched directly before Russia’s hosting of the APEC summit in Vladivostok for the first time.

While the Today supplement (volume – 12 columns; all in English) has a circulation of 300 thousand with distribution throughout Singapore, the United Daily News supplement (volume – 12 columns; nine in Mandarin and three in English) has 600 thousand distributed nationally. RBTH’s partner in Taiwan is the US-based New York Times Syndicate, which issues its own weekly supplement in the United Daily News.

Key topics of the supplements include the APEC summit, tourism, IT startups and cuisine. The contents will also appear on rbth.asia along with other regionally-focused articles.

“Asia is the fastest growing region in the world but people keep forgetting that Russia is an important part of it both in Moscow and in Asian capital cities. The launch of the RBTH project in Singapore and Taiwan will make it possible for the locals to know Russia better, including practically: before planning investments or a tour”, - believes Evgeny Abov, Publisher of RBTH.

Similar one-time supplements meant for Asia-Pacific-Rim countries and linked to the APEC summit in Vladivostok will also be issued by RBTH-parent company Rossiyskaya Gazeta in South Korea and Australia – in addition to the regular RBTH supplements in mainland China (China Business News), Hong Kong (South China Morning Post), India (The Economic Times), Japan (Mainichi) and the USA (New York Times and Washington Post).

All rights reserved by Rossiyskaya Gazeta.

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