St. Petersburg: Pushkin is loved by all Russians…and St. Petersburg's pigeons.
Peggy LohseTver Region: Pushkin regularly went to the Bernovo estate that belonged to the Wulf family. They were responsible for the education of Anna Kern, to whom the poet dedicated a considerable number of poems.
Peggy LohseBakhchysarai, Crimea: Pushkin by the Fountain of Tears, which is the topic of one of his poems published in 1824.
Peggy LohseMikhailovskoe, Pushkinskie Gory, Pskov region: even an illustrious poet was once a child…
Peggy LohseKemerovo: not far from Pushkin Square, his face even decorates the walls of simple houses.
Peggy LohseA monument featuring Alexander Pushkin and his wife Natalia Goncharova in Krasnoyarsk says: “I still recall the wondrous moment…” The poem continues: “When you appeared before my sight/ As though a brief omen, /Pure phantom in enchanting light.” In truth, it was not to his wife (left) that Pushkin dedicated these verses.
Peggy LohseSmolensk: Pushkin’s pensive bust stays behind the Kremlin’s walls.
Peggy LohseTomsk: a young Pushkin embellishes this Siberian city.
Peggy LohseTver: Alexander Pushkin walks along the banks of the Volga River.
Peggy LohseVladivostok: a poem, a book, literature or even love…what is it that could have burdened Pushkin’s soul under this funicular on Russia’s far eastern border?
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