Picking #app-les with Kirill Chekanov

Kirill Chekanov, founder of Hippflow, social network for start-uppers and investors. Source: personal archive

Kirill Chekanov, founder of Hippflow, social network for start-uppers and investors. Source: personal archive

Every Tuesday our authors, friends and collaborators share with us their favorite apps. This week Kirill Chekanov, young entrepreneur and Hippflow founder, tells us about the apps he uses for posting, newsreading and social networking. Have you ever used them?

Your favourite app


I love the way they deliver news. It is an awesome app for you to get the stories that matter from any area that you are interested in. I hardly ever read newswires now, I only use Flipboard.


An app that you don’t like


It is not very convenient, it’s often too slow and takes too long to open…



An app that you would recommend to a friend 


Once I downloaded it, I understood what IT evangelism is [a new PR technique to promote the values of a tech platform – Ed. A technology evangelist is passionate about the solution, knows everything about it and “infects” other people with his zeal for technology]. I’ve connected all of my friends to Path, because I liked the idea, design and execution.

It is this sort of enthusiasm that developers working on new projects must reach – a good product is part of something that you need to attain, so you have to inspire your users and make them promote your product and have them name your product as their favourite in an interview with RBTH=)


An app, in which you would invest


An excellent product; I was really looking forward to being invited. I love projects with a new approach to things that seem simple and mundane, like mail processing, the way they do it in Mailbox.

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