Kickstarter Friday for People’s Omnibus

Every week we will choose one Russian or Russia-related project from Kickstarter and tell our readers about it. In our first post we feature People’s Omnibus, an online survey project that aims at bringing statistics to the wider audience

People’s Omnibus was funded by a group of young Russian researchers in 2012. The original idea was to find out if professional surveys could have any appeal to the average person. How did they verify their theory? With an experiment, obviously.

They created a page on Kickstarter, the crowdfunding platform for start-ups from all-over-the world. The idea is to chip in on the creation of a book collecting surveys based on questions asked by those who decide to join. People’s Omnibus needs to collect $7000 by 6:00pm EDT on May 9, 2013.

From project’s page on Kickstarter:

“People's Omnibus is a unique project where both we and you make a statistical picture book on the chosen topic!

  • You - ask any question you want.

  • We - interview 600 people via professional survey, process and analyze the answers.

And then there comes a book with your questions and gathered answers, where all the participants are shown as co-authors of this book!

If you are curious enough - we have no doubts that you will find this project awesome!

So here are two basic ways for you to take part:

  • Ask a question (60$+), or pledge some money towards adding a question (20$+);

  • Get a book - either PDF version (5-8$), or a paperback one (21$).

The first project is about Russia, so you can ask any question, which you want to be answered by Russian people! “

To date the questions collected range from “Do you have any spies among your acquaintances?” to “Where have you ever seen a bear?”. If you want to support the project and submit your own question, vote here! =)

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