The verb нравиться means “to like”. So, if you would like to say that you like something, you can say Мне нравится [mnye NRA-veet-sya]. Source: Lori / Legion Media
Let’s talk about our favorite food today. What type of food do you like? For example, I like Italian cuisine. Here is how I would say that in Russian:
Мне нравится Итальянская кухня. А вам?
And now it’s your turn. What type of cuisine do you like? In today’s lesson, I will explain how to say that you like something or someone in Russian.
To say that you like someone or something in Russian we use verb нравиться, it means “to like”. So, if you would like to say that you like something or someone in Russian, you can say:
Here are a couple of examples:
How to say “I’m sorry” in Russian
Conversation Starters in Russian
Мне нравится мексиканская кухня.
I like Mexican cuisine.
Мне нравится Коля.
I like Kolya.
Мне нравятся твои туфли.
I like your shoes.
If you would like to say that you like something very much, you can say:
Мнеоченьнравится [mnye O-chyen’ NRA-veet-sya] I like (something or someone) very much
Here are a few examples:
Мне очень нравится мексиканская кухня.
I like Mexican cuisine very much.
Мне очень нравится Коля.
I like Kolya very much.
Мне очень нравятся эти туфли.
I like your shoes very much.
If you would like to say that you don’t like something, you will need to add не in front of the conjugated verb нравиться:
A couple of examples:
Мне не нравится Китайская кухня.
I don’t like Chinese cuisine.
Мне не нравится Колин брат.
I don’t like Kolya’s brother.
Мне не нравятся эти тапочки.
I don’t like these slippers.
Now, if you say:
Мненеоченьнравится [mnye nee O-cheyen NRA-veet-sya] I don’t quite like (something or someone), for example:
Мне не очень нравится мексиканская кухня.
I don’t quite like Mexican cuisine.
Мне не очень нравится Колин брат.
I don’t quite like Kolya’s brother.
Мне не очень нравятся эти туфли.
I don’t quite like your shoes.
It will mean that you don’t like something, but it won’t sounds as strong as мнененравится. In this case очень softens the meaning of the sentence. Hе очень can be translated as “not very” and “not quite”.
If you would like to learn more about how to use and conjugate Russian verb нравиться, watch this video - How to Say I Like in Russian
Food Vocabulary in Russian
If you would like to say that you like a certain type of cuisine in Russian, you will need to use Russian word кухня [KOOH-nya] that means cuisine, food (it also means “kitchen”, but we will concentrate on the first two meanings for now). Below are a few suggestions of types of cusine, they are adjectives will need to agree with the noun кухня. Кухня is singular feminine and the adjectives below will also need to be singular feminine. Notice that all adjectives below are already feminine:
Русскаякухня [ROOS-ka-ya KOOH-nya] Russian cuisine (food)
Итальянскаякухня [ee-tal’-YAN-ska-ya KOOH-nya] Italian cuisine (food)
Французскаякухня [fran-TSOOS-ka-ya KOOH-nya] French cuisine (food)
Мексиканскаякухня [mek-see-KANS-ka-ya KOOH-nya] Mexican cuisine (food)
Китайскаякухня [kee-TAY-ska-ya KOOH-nya] Chinese cuisine (food)
Японскаякухня [ya-PON-ska-ya KOOH-nya] Japanese cuisine (food)
A few more food words in Russian:
Мясо [MYA-sa] meat
Рыба [RI-ba] fish
Морепродукты [mo-re-pra-DOOK-ti] seafood
Сыр[SIR] cheese
Хлеб [HLYEP] bread
Овощи [O-va-shee] vegetables
Фрукты [FROOK-ti] fruit
Ягоды [YA-ga-di] berries
Десерт [dee-SYERT] dessert
A few examples using the words above:
Мне нравится Японская кухня, но не нравится – Китайская.
Мне нравятся фрукты и овощи.
Мне очень нравится белый хлеб.
Back to You
Now it’s your turn to tell me about your favourite foods. What type of food or cuisine do you like? If you have any questions, please leave a comment below and I’ll be happy to help!
Also, don’t forget to watch my new video lesson to help you practice Russian verb
нравиться - How to Say I Like in Russian
Talk to you very soon! Have fun learning Russian!
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