
Source: iimages / 123RF.COM

Source: iimages / 123RF.COM

In this episode: Russian words for different gadgets; why cellphone providers are nicer here; how to ask for a charger or an outlet to use one.

In 2013, technology is a huge part of our lives. Think of the last time you forgot your cellphone at home; it's an experience both liberating and unsettling. If you go to Russia, you'll have to learn some vocabulary in order to not feel like that all the time. In this episode of Ruspod Shorts: Russian words for different gadgets; why cellphone providers are nicer here; how to ask for a charger or an outlet to use one.

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сим-карта [seem-KAHR-tah] — SIM-card

симка [SEEM-kah] — SIM-card 

карта [KAHR-tah] — card

телефон [tyeh-lyeh-FOHN] — telephone

сотовый [SOH-toh-vyi] — cell, cell phone

мобильный [mah-BEEL'-nyi] — mobile, mobile phone

ноутбук [noh-oot-BOOK] — laptop

ноут [NOH-oot] — laptop

компьютер [kohm-PYOO-tehr] — computer

комп [kohmp] — computer

розетка [roh-ZYEHT-kah] — electric outlet

у вас есть розетка? [oo vahs yehst' roh-ZYEHT-kah?] — do you have an outlet?

зарядка [zah-RYAHT-kah] — charger

у вас есть зарядка? [oo vahs yehst' zah-RYAHT-kah?] — do you have a charger?

фотоаппарат [foh-toh-ahp-pah-RAHT] — photo camera

фотик [FOH-teek] — photo camera

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