Food always seems to get an interesting twist when translated into English:
Отличный перевод: "сочень"> "with very" (
— Яков Радченко (@YakovGR) September 12, 2014
Traditional Russian dish “With very” (if broken into two separate words «с очень» does mean “with very” but clearly not the case here)
This has to be one of our favorites! The word «testo» in Russian means dough – too bad whichever online translator was used failed this «test»! And, of course, «язык» is the word for tongue and language so we guess we can see how the poor thing got confused…sorta.
Caput color
— Евгений Самсонов (@bitniks) February 5, 2014
Note: this is NOT how you say cauliflower in English…or in Russian for that matter.
When smoking isn't the most dreadful thing that can happen.
Hope Tereschenko. #Сочи
— Михаил Григорьев (@MiKaelRus) February 14, 2014
No «hope» for a correct translation! (The Russian name «Nadezhda» does translate into English as «hope» but we sincerely doubt that Ms. Tereshchenko would respond to it)
Русская баня. Что русскому хорошо, то иностранцу - крематорий
— Леди Кац (@lady_Katz) October 27, 2014
We can assure you that a traditional Russian banya has NOTHING to do with crematoriums!
IMAGINE THE CAR TO INSPECTION [x] facepalm.bmp “@alexmak: МГИМО финишд!”
— S.Lebedev (@drasgo) May 20, 2013
It's all up to your imagination, literally.
Street names and signs really got it bad this year:
В Сочи вместо улицы Голубые дали появилась Blue Dali Streetновости
— Комсомольская правда (@onlinekpru) December 16, 2013
And a very very special mention goes to the most honest translator known to mankind:
«I'm finding it very very difficult to put together a proper name for this dish out of the available English words and the online translator is giving me complete and utter nonsense. I even watched the video how this dish is prepared».
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