Over 100 tons of oil stand idle in Far East

Thirty-four trainloads of oil (approx. 122.5 tons) are waiting idle on the Trans-Siberian railroad due to delays at Russia's Far Eastern ports

Thirty-four trainloads of oil (approx. 122.5 tons) are waiting idle on the Trans-Siberian railroad due to delays at Russia's Far Eastern ports. The trains are stuck in a jam about 200 kilometers from Vladivostok, Russia's largest Eastern port, reported Interfax.

Railway officials have blamed the delays on the "untimely arrivals of tankers," difficult navigation conditions and slow unloading due to thickened oil products. The oil was transferred across -40 degree conditions. Experts from the Far Eastern division of Russian Railways have been dispatched to the scene of the delays.

The purchasers of the oil products could face tens of thousands of dollars in fines for failing to unload them on time, a trader told Vedomosti.

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