World Russia Forum in Washington D.C.

Please join the leading American and Russian experts at the Russian Cultural Center in Washington D.C. to discuss the role of NGOs, Public Diplomacy, and Media in formulating the agenda for US - Russia political, educational and cultural cooperation.


10.00 - 11.00 AM: What are the most important disagreement issues between the United States and Russia?  

11.00 - 11.15 AM: Coffee Break  

11.15 - 12.45 PM: Is it possible to find common and mutually beneficial approaches to resolve at least some of these issues and what is the role of NGOs, Public Diplomacy and the Media in this process?  

12.45 - 2.00 PM: Lunch Break  

2.00 - 3.15 PM: Educational and cultural exchanges as an effective tool in promoting US - Russia rapprochement. How one defines the role of "Soft Power" in this process?  

5.00 - 7.00 PM: Concluding Reception  


Patrick Armstrong – former political counselor at Canadian Embassy in Moscow
William Dunkerley – Publishing Consultant
Leonid Gozman – Deputy Director, Rosnano Corporation
Anatoly Karlin – Da Russophile
Edward Lozansky – President, American University in Moscow
Mikhail Margelov – Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of Russia
Sergey Markedonov - Center for Strategic and International Studies
Nicolai Petro– Professor, University of Rhode Island
Martin Sieff – Chief Foreign Correspondent, the Globalist
Yuri Zaitsev – Director, Russian Cultural Center
Nikolai Zlobin - President, Center on Global Interests


Russian centre for science and culture in Washington, DC

Address: 1825 Рhelps Place, N.W. Washington DC 20008, USA

For more information please visit the web-site.

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