Minimal (winterized) / Balalike it!

For those who don’t think that Russian music ends with the last accord of balalaika we would like to present our new audio-podcast devoted to the contemporary Russian music. The aim is to show the great diversity of Russian musicians, performing in various genres from jazz to experimental trip-hop. Some of the artists are much influenced by western culture, others try to develop and promote authentic Russian sound and mainly Russian lyrics.

We invite you to a promising journey beyond the headlines and prejudices. And it’s up to you to decide whether you like it or even... balalike it.

In this edition: from liquid minimal to deep/dub techno. Warning! This time it's slightly under the frost.


1. Wunderblock - Hawt
2. ID10TS - Nu Vot
3. Easy Changes - Supposed Dolls
4. Monkey Brothers - Monkey say, monkey do
5. DJ Spell & Freska - White Russian Celebration
6. Arktor - Linda Fox

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