1300 kilometers through Russia by dogsled

“Beringia 2014” is imbued with local color. Many mushers, despite the technological leaps and bounds in gear for extreme conditions, still use traditional clothing: malakhais (fur caps with earflaps), kukhlyankas (deerskin shirts), and unts (high fur boots). They are made the old-fashioned way out of reindeer fur.

“Beringia 2014” is imbued with local color. Many mushers, despite the technological leaps and bounds in gear for extreme conditions, still use traditional clothing: malakhais (fur caps with earflaps), kukhlyankas (deerskin shirts), and unts (high fur boots). They are made the old-fashioned way out of reindeer fur.

Elena Safonova
The Kamchatka Peninsula traditionally hosts the longest sled dog race in Eurasia. This competition of strength, courage, and endurance features 15 mushers (who drive dogs harnessed to long, narrow sleds). Among them are three brave women. They, like the men, have to overcome 1,300 km. The race began on March 3 and is still in progress — the participants have 357 km left to cover.

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