Welcome to the Magical town of Catsburg

The “Catsburg” International Cat Show was held at the Moscow Exhibition Center.

Editor - Stakheev Vladimir, photos - Sokolova Olga, music - A Magnifique Bande dos Homes sen Medo

Where there’s a cat, there’s a hearth and home. And when there are many cats, an entire town springs up. And once a year, in the first days of spring, cats invite all who love them to their magical town of Catsburg.

Competing for the title of "Honorary Citizen of Catsburg 2014" and a diamond-encrusted gold key to the town were the finest tomcats and tabbies from all over.

Guests at the exhibition had a chance to get to know more about their favorite breeds, ask owners and breeders about the character and peculiarities of their cats, and purchase the kitten of their dreams.

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