Legendary Astronaut Leonov: Paintng the Cosmos

Today is the 80th birthday of Soviet cosmonaut, Alexey Leonov. Few people know that, in addition to his space career, he was a painter.

Editor - Daria Donina, music - A. Zatcepin, "The Mystery of the Third Planet" cartoon

Cosmonaut Alexey Leonov was born in Siberia in 1934. Just like Yury Gagarin, he was selected among the first Soviet cosmonauts in 1960. His first flight to space was in 1965.

Leonov, as well as his fellow fantasy artist, Andrey Sokolov, created the first space-themed stamps in the Soviet Union. His debut in stamp collecting was in March 1967 when three artists made the first series of stamps dedicated to Cosmonauts' Day.

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