Cinematryoshka: the existentialism in "DELHI DANCE" by Ivan Vyrypaev

Russian cinema is like a matryoshka: following the recursive method, which in the art criticism is called "mise-en-abîme", it plays with the various meanings. This video-blog is to help you to gain an insight into contemporary Russian cinema industry.

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Ivan Viripaev is one of the most famous Russian playwrights of the beginning of 21st century. He is one of the leading authors of the so-called New Drama. Being trained as an actor, he started to write plays, one of them, "The Oxygen" considered to be the best New Drama text. Soon he tried hand in stage direction and film-making.

Here is the presentation of his new (third) film - "The Dance of Delhi". The movie consists of seven vignettes about a dancer, her dying mother, a hesitant lover and a ballet amateur. All subplots are interrelated with each other. Together, they form an intricate weave that can be read as a mosaic picture of life and death with constant battling between good and evil. Director and scriptwriter Ivan Vyrypaev reveals the possibility to express something disgusting and beautiful coexisting at the same time.

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