Star City: A glimpse of sky in Russia's space industry closed town

Star City (Zvyozdny gorodok) is a common name of an area near Moscow, which has since the 1960s been home to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center. Officially, the area was known as "closed military townlet No. 1"

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Star City (Zvyozdny gorodok) is a common name of an area 15 miles north-east of Moscow, which has since the 1960s been home to the Yuri Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center.

Officially, the area was known as "closed military townlet No. 1", a highly secret and guarded military installation.  

Many Russian cosmonauts, past and present, and Training Centre's personnel, live in Star City with their families.

Nowadays, some of the restrictions are lifted and one could even meet NASA specialists there. 


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