Vedomosti application removed from Apple's App Store

The smartphone application of the Russian business newspaper Vedomosti has disappeared from the Apple App Store, an online store of iOS-applications.

The smartphone application of the Russian business newspaper Vedomosti has disappeared from the Apple App Store, an online store of iOS-applications.

At the time of publication, all attempts to find the newspaper’s application in the App Store (in both Cyrillic and Latin characters) yielded no results. Vedomosti is a well-respected and influential newspaper published by the Sanoma Independent Media (SIM) Publishing House in conjunction with the Financial Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Apple's Russian office could provide no immediate reasons for this situation. However, as a matter of practice, when the company removes an application from its App Store, the developer is sent a notification letter explaining the reason for the removal.

At Vedomosti, they also could not respond as to the reasons for the removal of the application from the App Store.

On April 26, the iPhone application of the Russian social network VKontakte disappeared from the App Store, followed on May 16 by the application for the iPad. On May 10, the application of another social network, Odnoklassniki (Classmates), vanished from the App Store.

First published in Russian at

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