Russian Defense Ministry places database of WWI soldiers on the Internet

Russian infantry in position at the beginning of World War I in 1914.

Russian infantry in position at the beginning of World War I in 1914.

DPA/Global Look Press
Users can check the archives to learn about the fate of their ancestors

The Memory of the Heroes of the Great War 1914-1918 website has launched a card index with information on the killed, wounded and decorated servicemen of the Russian Imperial Army.  

Besides familiarizing oneself with digitalized cards containing information on a soldier’s wounds or death, the user can follow the military career of the person in question and his participation in combat operations at various World War I fronts.

Oleg Chistyakov, director of the scientific-reference department at the Russian State Military Historical Archive, said that currently the website contains information on more than 2 million people, including officers' cards with full details, reported RBK daily.

In total, the archive has information on more than 10 million people. The database will be expanded in the near future.

Read more: Seven historical facts about World War I

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