Pumpkin porridge: The wholesome delight of the Cossacks (RECIPE)

Russian Kitchen
Whether prepared with milk or water, pumpkin porridge has the power to liven up the daily family menu, bringing fresh flavors and healthy nutrition to the table every time it's served.

In the sun-soaked Kuban region in the south of Russia where fields stretch to the horizon and nature's bounty flourishes, the humble pumpkin reigns supreme. Known as kabak here (not tykva as in the rest of the country), it gave the name to the popular dish - “kabash porridge”. This cherished recipe has been handed down by generations of Cossack cooks. 

The popular recipe calls for sweet, garden-fresh pumpkins, sliced into vibrant orange cubes. These golden-orange treasures are then layered in a pot, gently poured with Kuban rice or millet and a sprinkle of sugar. Once the arrangement is complete, the pot is filled with warm water or milk, and the dish is placed into the oven where it patiently simmers for a couple of hours.

As the enchanting aroma wafts through the kitchen, time seems to slow down, and anticipation grows. The pumpkin's innate sweetness infuses with the grain’s earthy notes. When the dish is finally ready, it’s carefully ladled into a deep plate, and then topped off with a generous slice of homemade butter. Let’s savor the flavors of this Cossack pumpkin delight together.

Ingredients for 3 servings:


1. Start by preparing the rice. Rinse it thoroughly with cold water and then place it in a pot with water in a 1:2 ratio (120 g rice to 240 ml water). It's essential not to overcook the rice.

2. Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, and cut it into small cubes.

3. Place the pumpkin in a saucepan, pour in the milk, and prepare over medium heat until the pumpkin becomes tender. Once the milk comes to a boil, let the pumpkin simmer for about 20 minutes or until it's soft. The cooking time may vary depending on the type of pumpkin, but the key is to cook until it's tender.

4. Mash the cooked pumpkin in the milk, creating a puree. You can use a blender for this step.

5. Add the cooked rice to the pumpkin-milk mixture and stir well. Then add the sugar, vanilla sugar, and a pinch of salt, and mix everything together.

6. Traditionally, this pumpkin porridge is cooked in a clay pot in the oven. However, if you don't have an oven, you can use a regular saucepan and stove.

7. Grease the clay pot with a bit of butter. Add the remaining butter to the porridge and mix in. Preheat your oven to 180°C. Place the covered clay pot in the oven. To avoid spillage while cooking, don’t fill to the top.

8. Bake the porridge in a preheated oven for about an hour. Your goal is to prepare a loose, aromatic porridge. Once you’ve achieved that, then it’s time to serve your guests!

9. The porridge is ready to be enjoyed. 

READ MORE: Lazy Kuban dumplings in tomato sauce (RECIPE)

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