The Story Canonisation: for learners of the Russian language (for those who are still alive), by Ignaty Dyakov
A new textbook for learners of the Russian language called The Story Canonisation (Rasskaz-Kanonizatsiya), has been released in London. It is the third textbook on the Russian language by Ignaty Dyakov, a professional London-based teacher and a founder of Russia Local Ltd, which provides linguistic support for different companies planning to expand in Russia.
The Story Canonisation has a detective plot about a Guadeloupean banker who flies to Malta to help a dying Russian. A historical subplot is devoted to a Russian professor who fled his country after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
Speaking about the book, Dyakov said: "2014-2015 have not been easy years for Russia and Russians, no matter what their political views. This was not an easy time for me either. It is this complexity and the ambiguousness of what happened – constantly referring to history – that I wanted to reflect upon in my book."
Dyakov was inspired by the talent of Mikhail Bulgakov, who mastered the skill of talking about complex subjects in an ironic form.
“Undoubtedly, this textbook makes language learning more fun, interesting and thus less challenging. It can be recommended as an addition to any Russian language textbook for A1-B1 levels,” said Professor Galina Levina, vice-chancellor of The Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, referring to Dyakov's method after the publication of his second book, The Story Provocation.
The Story Canonisation is available at Amazon and the audio version via
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