Mobile Developer & Business Day Russia scheduled for Dec. 14

Next Friday, December 14, a conference will be held for developers and customers of mobile applications. Mobile Developer & Business Day Russia will involve more than 60 speakers from such leading web companies as Google, Mediocre (developers of Sprinkle), NARR8, Zeptolab, Marmalade, ABBYY, Stanfy, iD EAST, Playmous, i-Free, e-Legion and Mobile-review, among others.

Themes to be discussed include the application development process (platforms and SDK), testing usability, finding investors, creating custom applications, improving marketing and promotion efforts, and how to monetize mobile apps, Smart TV and Second Screen.

Traditional business mobile technology has allowed developers to get closer to consumers. Mobile marketing and advertising, mobile banking and mobile retail all provide new opportunities for business development. Application developers and customers alike are interested in how to use mobile apps to increase profits and consumer loyalty.

The end of the Mobile Developer & Business Day conference will involve presentations of a few case studies of successful commercial and social applications.

An exhibition of mobile game developers will be held in parallel with the conference where participants can look at new products and meet potential new partners.

For more information and registration, visit

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