10 most popular catchphrases from Soviet animated films

The Mosfilm Golden Collection and KinoMult TV channels, along with the media monitoring company Medialogia, conducted a survey to determine what catchphrases from popular animated films are most often cited in everyday life in Russia. Here are the Top 10.

10. "Who pays his visits in the morning is wise to do so"

This is a phrase from the animated film “Winnie-the-Pooh Pays a Visit” (1971) that’s directed by Fyodor Khitruk. It’s from the words of a song that Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet sing on the way to Rabbit's house.

9. "They don't feed us badly here either!"

This phrase is from the animated film “Return of the Prodigal Parrot” (1984) that’s directed by Valentin Karavaev. It’s uttered by the fat and lazy Vasily the Cat as he snacks on a sausage. The quote was preceded by another utterance: "Tahiti, Tahiti… We haven't been to any Tahiti!"

In Soviet times the phrase "They don't feed us badly here either!" was particularly popular — it was spoken in jest by people who wanted to say they would be pleased with whatever food was available.

8. "Remain with us, lad - you'll be our king"

This phrase is from the animated film “In the Blue Sea, In the White Foam…” (1984) that’s directed by Robert Sahakyants and based on an Armenian folk tale. According to the plot, a boy finds himself in the Underwater Kingdom and the Sea King tries to persuade him to stay and marry his daughter.

7. "He flew away but promised to return"

This is a phrase from the animated film “Karlson is back” (1970) that’s directed by Boris Stepantsev. It is uttered by a sad but hopeful housemaid, Fröken Bock, when Karlson suddenly disappears.

6. "Freedom for parrots!"

This is another cult phrase from Valentin Karavaev's animated film “The Return of the Prodigal Parrot” (1984). Kesha the parrot shouts it out like a political slogan while rattling his cage.

5. "I'll sing something now"

This catchphrase is from the animated film “Once Upon a Dog” (1982) that’s directed by Eduard Nazarov. It is spoken by a wolf who accidentally ends up at a wedding and has far too much to eat and drink while seated under the table. On hearing the singing of the partying guests he becomes very emotional and wants to join in. However, all that comes out of his mouth is a dirge-like howl, and he is discovered and chased out of the house.

4. "Keep calm, just keep calm!"

The phrase is from the animated film “Junior and Karlson” (1968) that’s directed by Boris Stepantsev. It is uttered by Karlson himself as he tries to soothe Malysh ("Junior") whose parents refuse to give him a dog.

And then Malysh himself uses the phrase as he makes excuses to his parents regarding his antics with Karlson.

3. "Whaaaat, again?"

This is another very famous catchphrase from Eduard Nazarov's animated film “Once Upon a Dog” (1982) that’s uttered by the flamboyant wolf when the home dog runs to find him in the woods. For years, the dog has always chased the wolf, but as he gets older his owners aren't best pleased with him. So, the dog suggests to the wolf that they fake a scene in which he pretends to give him a real run for his money.

2. "It's on the low side!"

The quote is from Alexander Tatarsky's animated film “Last Year's Snow Was Falling” (1983), and it’s repeated on various occasions in different circumstances. Social media users joke that this is the phrase they use when they get their salary.

1. "Guys, let's all get along!"

The most popular catchphrase turns out to be from the animated series “The Adventures of Leopold the Cat” (1975-87). The good-natured Leopold, who is pestered by annoying and mischievous mice, repeats this phrase on various occasions and retains his kindly demeanor no matter what happens.

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