Russian blockbuster to be released in India on Jan. 20

Danila Kozlovsky in Flight Crew (2016).

Danila Kozlovsky in Flight Crew (2016).

'Flight Crew' has been dubbed into English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu.

‘Flight Crew,’ a new Russian blockbuster, will be screened in cinema halls across India from Jan. 20, Irfan Siddiqui, co-founder of RG Studios, which is releasing the motion picture, told TASS on Jan. 19.

The film, directed by Nikolay Lebedev, is about the crew of a Russian airliner, which receives a distress signal from a volcanic island and attempts a rescue mission.

It was released in Russia in 2016 and became a box office hit. For Indian audiences, it has been dubbed in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu, according to Siddiqui.

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