Feast on this Ingush lamb and dumpling dish, ‘dulkh-khaltam’ (RECIPE)

Russian Kitchen
Dough and meat dishes are a staple of the cuisine of the Caucasian region, including this Ingush culinary masterpiece - ‘dulkh-khaltam’. It consists of rather simple ingredients, but the result is something very special.

The traditional Ingush dish, dulkh-khaltam, is prepared mainly by using lamb as the base ingredient; but beef and even chicken versions are possible. This festive dish is usually cooked for major family gatherings and holidays. However, when making this dish for everyday meals, it’s possible to simplify the recipe; for example, dried meat can be used as a substitute for the meat part of the dish.

Another element of this dish is cornmeal dumplings that have no filling. They’re known as galushki, as they’re called in the Caucasus region. In fact, they resemble gnocchi, and they’re boiled in the meat broth. What’s more, they’re also made with this broth.

The amount of fat, salt and spices in the broth determines the flavor of the dumplings. For me, this process became a genuine culinary revelation because it requires only two ingredients and a minimal amount of effort. Finely ground corn flour is mixed with the broth, and then you need to form a homogeneous dough and divide it into large pieces. You’ll form the dumplings with your hands and acquire a finger-like pattern. They’re easily molded and hold their shape when boiled. For those who prefer gluten-free items, these corn dumplings are a godsend! But other versions of dumplings can be made as well; made with ordinary wheat flour, in the form of boats or flat squares.

Dulkh-khaltam can be served with several types of sauce – potato and garlic. In spring, a wild garlic sauce is typically prepared. It’s a peculiar fact that a type of soup called "berkh" is mentioned in the ancient epics of the Caucasian peoples. Originally, this dish was prepared from Jerusalem artichoke. Only much later, after the appearance of potatoes in Russia, was it replaced by the very popular tuber. Nowadays, berkh sauce consists of crushed potatoes mixed with onion and carrots fried in butter and covered with broth. There are also versions of this dish without carrots, but made with thyme.

When all the ingredients are prepared, they’re served on the table – meat with the dumplings on a flat plate, and sauces and broth in bowls. The meat is cut into pieces and the dumplings are dipped in potato and garlic sauces. Delicious!

Ingredients for 2 servings: 



Potato sauce:

Garlic sauce:


1. Rinse the lamb, pour cold water over it, salt it and begin cooking. The most common recipes don’t recommend to add anything to the broth, but I decided to enhance the flavor with garlic, onions and carrots in small pieces.

2. When the water begins to boil, it’s important to remove the foam that appears on top. 

The cooking time will depend on the meat. I had pieces of lamb on the bone with strands of fat. It took over two hours to cook this kind of lamb.

3. At the end of the broth preparation, you can begin work on making the dumplings. Pour the cornmeal with boiling broth. The amount of water depends on the quality of the flour.

4. The dough should become dense, and then roll it into a lump.

5. Divide it into 12 equal parts and form oval dumplings by squeezing them in your fist in the area of your fingers. This is a quick process.

6. Next, let's make the potato sauce. I decided to make two versions, with carrots and with thyme. Peel the potatoes, cut into small pieces and boil in salted water.

7. Mash or grind it with a blender in order to achieve a more homogeneous consistency. Divide it into two parts.

8. Fry the onion in butter until soft.

9. Add half of the onion to one part of the mashed potatoes — this will be the base for the thyme sauce.

10. Add some finely grated carrots to the onions, and fry until soft.

11. Add this to the second part of the mashed potatoes.

12. In a small container, mix the mashed potatoes with the onions and carrots and the broth. Cook for about five minutes, stirring frequently. One sauce is ready.

13. Mix the other part of the mashed potatoes and onions with the broth, and add the fresh thyme. Simmer in the same way for 5 minutes.

14. Crush the garlic. Stir in the hot broth.

15. The three sauces are ready.

16. Remove the meat from the broth, and divide into smaller pieces.

17. Strain the broth.

18. Boil the dumplings in the broth for about 5-8 minutes until soft. Check if they’re ready. They should not fall apart, and should remain soft.

19. Serve your meat and dumplingshot with sauces and herbs. Enjoy!

READ MORE:How to cook a Russian ‘bear paw’ cutlet without hurting the bears (RECIPE)

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