'The Motherland Calls' monument in Volgograd

Volgograd Region

Volgograd Region

Volgograd is an example of a unique, experimental urban development. It is the only ‘linear’ city in the world that stretches along the Volga River for as much as 90 kilometers. At the same time, the length of its longest street is more than 50 km - an absolute record in Russia. 

The most famous landmark in the entire region is dedicated to the memory of the Great Patriotic War - the memorial complex ‘To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad’ at Mamayev Kurgan in former Stalingrad, opened in 1967. 

And on the region’s border with Kazakhstan, you’ll find the Elton saltwater lake, with its cosmic landscapes and unforgettable impressions. 

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It's like walking in the sky with the right angle! 😉