What if each paragraph of a novel was animated? Swipe left and a new moving picture appears. This might be hard to do with Russian works like War and Peace, but a short story by Anton Chekhov – Oysters – has been given the digital treatment.
Brazilian startup StoryMax is pioneering new ways of reading – a
Chekhov is Russia's master of short stories, despite the fact he’s more internationally renowned as a playwright. Oysters
“We were looking for a short story that spoke about hunger, but that was not necessarily sad and heavy,” Samira Almeida, publisher at StoryMax, told Russia Beyond.
The company is not only trying to get people to read more, but also to draw attention to pressing global issues. In this particular
“Oysters is part of a free distributed collection where each title is chosen for its relationship with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – there are 17 major goals agreed between countries to make the world better by 2020,” Almeida said.
One of the goals of the project is to encourage people to help find ways to solve humanitarian challenges facing the planet.
People at StoryMax didn’t plan to keep working with Russian literature until they were peppered with messages from people asking for more. They are now looking for collaborators and translators who can help them make more Russian works interactive. What’s more, those working for StoryMax admit they’ve completely fallen in love with Chekov after immersing themselves in his work.
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