A sculpture of a ballerina came to life in Moscow’s Gorky Park (PHOTOS)

Alexander Yakovlev / Gorky Park
Photographer Alexander Yakovlev imagined how the sculpture ‘Ballerina’ would look if it could walk through the park.

In the ‘Perfect Embodiment’ project, Yakovlev depicted a ballet dancer in conversation with the landscape around her.

“As an author, I tried to convey this synergy - the language of dance with the natural surroundings and the architecture of the park, which are themselves a huge story,” says Alexander Yakovlev.

‘Ballerina’ (1938) is one of the park’s most recognizable sculptures.

Artist Elena Yanson-Manizer depicted the legendary Galina Ulanova in her youth, before she became a world-famous dancer. 

The street photo exhibition ‘Perfect embodiment’ is open to all on Krymskaya Embankment until July 9. If you’re in Moscow, check it out!

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