How much do Russian celebs make on Instagram?

Forbes magazine recently compiled a list of 15 Russian celebrities with the highest advertising revenues on Instagram. Find out how much they made in a year and how they attract their audiences.

According to the Forbes list, the highest earners in the Russian segment on Instagram are popular TV presenters, singers and other media personalities. The magazine’s rating is based on data from May 1, 2019 to April 30, 2020.

No.1 on the list is TV presenter, author of her own interview and investigation show on YouTube ‘Careful, Sobchak’ and former presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak (7.7 million subscribers).

In a year, she made $1.48 million in ad revenues on Instagram. Ksenia advertised Huawei laptops, yoga suits and even a gastrointestinal adsorbent, Polysorb, while at the same time offering comments on topical events.

No.2 on the list is singer Polina Gagarina (8.4 million subscribers). She represented Russia at the 2015 Eurovision Song Contest, taking second place.

Gagarina was also one of the mentors on The Voice talent show on Channel One TV and participated in the Chinese TV show Singer. She made $890,000 in a year, advertising Boss fragrances, Sberbank services, Lay’s chips and other goods.

No.3 on the Forbes list is Ida Galich (7.1 million subscribers), who gained popularity thanks to humorous short videos, vines. In addition, she made several music videos, released an edutainment show for children and adults on YouTube, and, in 2020, launched a family sketch show on a Russian TV channel. All this earned Galich $850,000.

The list features several TV presenters, for example, Ksenia Borodina (15.4 million subscribers and $770,000) and Anastasia Ivleyeva (17.7 million subscribers and $610,000), who often uses the image of a gopnik woman in her comedy videos, as well as singers and rappers (Elena Temnikova, 5.2 million subscribers and $600,000; Olga Buzova, 21.8 million subscribers and $600,000; and Egor Kreed, 13.1 million subscribers and $570,000).

No.10 on the list is mixed martial arts fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov (21.2 million subscribers and $600,000). He mostly posts photos from his training sessions, occasionally interspersed with ads for black cumin oil and protein bars.

Research company WhoIsBlogger, which was commissioned by Forbes to analyze the data, notes that the list is dominated by mothers, mostly creating content about family life and motherhood.

“Insta-mums were the original driving force behind Instagram. They gain their largest audience in the first years after the birth of their child, while at the same time advertisers are the busiest placing ads with them,” says Lev Grunin, founder of WhoIsBlogger. Their followers are other mothers, who are the most active consumers, which is why Insta-mums are a priority for brands, explains Mikhail Karpushin, marketing director for GetBlogger, an internet marketing company.

Not only Instagram stars

Other high earners on Instagram are popular bloggers, whose main platform is not TV or social networks, but YouTube. Russia Beyond was given access to a price list of popular YouTube bloggers collaborating with Avtorskie Media, a company that sells bloggers’ ad slots.

According to the price list (prices are valid for July 2020), on popular YouTube channel of comedy sketches ‘OneTwo’ (3.9 million subscribers), YouTube advertising integration with a mention on Instagram costs 580,000 rubles (approx. $7,600).

The cost of advertising in stories and posts by another popular blogger, Ilya Varlamov, who shoots videos about city infrastructure and life in Russia (1.77 million subscribers on YouTube), varies from 80,000 to 365,000 rubles (from approx. $1,050 to $4,800).

Vlogger Julia Pushman (1.89 million subscribers on YouTube) also does advertising posts on her Instagram account, albeit for a little less – her rate is from 200,000 to 260,000 rubles (from approx. $2,600 to $3,400) per post. The average price for ads placed by less popular bloggers is 70,000-100,000 rubles (approx. $926-$1,300).