Russian Classes: Prepositions of direction!

Time to learn some words that provide info about the course, path or method by which a subject moves or is moved with the help of some Russian car brands!

Привет! KAMAZ, Lada, Moskvich... do these names sound familiar?

в + accusative case
Я еду в Москву.
I’m going to Moscow.

из + genitive case
Когда ты вернёшься из России?
When are you going to come back from Russia?

к + dative case
Подходи к ресторану!
Come to the restaurant!

от + genitive case
Музей расположен далеко от метро.
The museum is located far from the Metro.

у + genitive case
Встретимся у отеля?
Let’s meet by the hotel?

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