#MuseumSelfie Day: Inspiring shots from Russia that will make you come visit

This is probably the only day in the year when taking a selfie in a museum isn’t frowned upon. Locals and tourists share how they celebrated the occasion.

International #MuseumSelfie Day is serious business in Russia. Even cultural officials took to social media to encourage people to take selfies and post them with the above hashtag.

Let's take a quick look at which Russian museums embraced this amazing initiative on Jan. 17, 2018.

The Derzhavin Estate Museum in St. Petersburg

New Jerusalem Monastery in Moscow Region

Vorontsov English Palace in Crimea

Apartment-museum of Russian writer Nikolai Nekrasov in St. Petersburg

This lady can’t identify the museum, but says that museum mirrors and clocks are her craze

An excellent exhibition in the Hermitage devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution. The photo was sent to us by one of our readers. Thank you for that!

Museum of Modern History in Korolev, Moscow Region

Museum of History of St. Petersburg

Siberian beauty: Irkutsk Art Museum

Bunnies at the “Russia. My history” interactive exhibition in Perm

Perm Fine Arts Gallery

Moscow Museum of Military Uniform. Impressive!

Astrakhan Art Gallery

Serpukhov Museum of Art and History in Moscow Region

An inhabitant of Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve Museum takes a selfie

The "Not Only Black Square" exhibition of Kazimir Malevich's paintings at VDNKh park in Moscow

Mikhail Sholokhov Center in Rostov-on-Don

State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg

Semenkovo Museum in Volodga Region

Some beautiful interiors of the Winter Palace! Thanks again to our readers for sharing this picture.

Garage Museum of Contemporary Art (and some other museums if you swipe right)

Moscow Museum of Military History

Got only one hour for a museum? Discover 10 masterpieces in the Tretyakov Gallery that you must see.