8 easy Russian love phrases you can learn in 5 minutes

Just knowing a few romantic Russian love words and phrases can pave the way for a closer relationship with a Russian.

Have you ever been in a situation when you wanted to approach a Russian girl or man on Moscow’s streets but didn't know what to say in Russian?

If so, these Russian love phrases are perfect for you! Whether you are trying to woo someone online, over the phone, or in person - make sure to learn these words. And while you’re  at it, check these 8 useful tips to learn Russian like a pro. 

1. "You are beautiful"

Russian: "Ты красивая"

English: "Ty krasivaja"

Use this phrase if you want to compliment a woman.

2. "You are handsome"

Russian: "Ты красивый"

English: "Ty krasivyj"

And this phrase is used to compliment guys.

3. "You have beautiful eyes"

Russian: "У тебя красивые глаза"

English: "U tebya krasivye glaza"

It’s true, Russians do have beautiful eyes.

4. "You have a beautiful smile"

Russian: "У тебя красивая улыбка"

English: "U tebya krasivaja ulybka"

You can use this phrase as an icebreaker on a date.

5. "I miss you"

Russian: "Я скучаю по тебе"

English: "Ja skuchaju po tebe"

People always like to know they’re being missed.

6.  "Kiss me"

Russian: "Поцелуй меня"

English: "Potseluj menya"

Well, you don't usually say this, but good to know all the same.

7. "I adore you"

Russian: "Я обожаю тебя"

English:  "Ya obozhaju tebya"

This is a Russian phrase girls don't get tired of hearing.

8. "I love you"

Russian: "Я тебя люблю"

Pronunciation: "Ya tebya lyublyu"

Just keep in mind that if you say this, you should mean it -  as a conversation starter it might not be suitable.

Well, now that you know these phrases you can jump head first into Moscow’s dating scene. If you have any other Russian love-related phrases you want me to write/translate, write them in the comment section and I’ll get back to you asap.

Iskender writes at RULEXPAT an expat information hub for people who plan to move and work in Russia.