20 photos of the MAD Soviet 1920s

First years of Soviet power showed a seemingly enormous level of freedom in the country. It was a time of avant-garde art, brave theatrical experiments, free love, nude photo sessions and crazy parades.

1. Soviet propaganda theater: Blue Blouse agitation team in ‘Metropolitan’ sideshow costumes 

2. A sex symbol of the Soviet avant-garde - Lilya Brik 

3. Cult photographer Alexander Rodchenko dances dressed in fabrics designed by Varvara Stepanova

4. Students visiting Alexander Rodchenko's studio in Vkhutemas (Higher Art and Technical Studios)

5. Exhibition of young artists

6. A nudist beach in central Moscow, 1928

7. Vladimir Tatlin designing the Monument to the Third International (a.k.a. as Tatlin’s Tower)

8. A demonstration in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) featuring Tatlin’s Tower 

9. Famous dancer Isadora Duncan teaches modern dance art in Russia

10. Osip Brik on the cover of ‘LEF’ art magazine

11. ‘Battleship Potemkin’ movie advertising

12. Demonstration of waifs and pioneers

13. Peasants doing morning exercises in a sanatorium based on the former royal palace

14. A scene from one of Vsevolod Meyerkhold’s experimental theater performances

15. An artist’s camp in a forest

16. Pioneers celebrating the anniversary of their organization 

17. ‘Art of movement’, Vera Maya dance studio

18. Inna Bystrinina school for plastic dance

19. A demonstration

20. Actress Margarita Cherdynina