Meanwhile in Russia: Taxi “swims” in St. Petersburg’s river

The vehicle hung on for about 20 minutes before finally drowning.

Passers-by in the center of St. Petersburg were deeply surprised on the night of November 17 – right in the Moyka River (a channel of the Neva River delta) they saw a cab. Yellow, with the logo Yandex.Taxi (one of the most popular taxi services in Russia) on it, the car was moving in the water like some kind of giant amphibian.

According to the witnesses, the cab was moving for about 20 minutes, with two men inside – the driver and passenger – shouting that they can’t swim. For them, the situation was definitely not fun! People on the shore tried to throw them a rope but failed to reach the car. Fortunately, rescue workers arrived just in time to save the two from the drowning vehicle.

It’s still unclear how the car managed to last for 20 minutes above water. Social media users joked that it all was a Yandex.Taxi ad: “Our cabs are waterproof!” (Hopefully, it wasn’t).