“Hi! I’m a
“It’s funny how brands support feminism, but only if it has thousands of subscribers,” Rapoport exclaimed to her 6,000 Instagram subscribers. “I’ve done a ****load and more for feminism!”
But if the blogger was expecting an outpouring of sympathy from the online community, she was in for a shock. People wasted no time in calling her out as a chancer and many parodied her offer to Lush by trying to score free stuff themselves. Here are some of the funniest attempts:
Здравствуйте, Сбербанк! Я блогерок. Я бы хотел получить какой-нибудь набор банкнот и рассказать об этом в сторис
— МИКИРИ МАСТЕР (@tvoy_dead) 20 марта 2019 г.
Hi Sberbank [Russia’s biggest bank]! I’m a blogger. I’d like to be given some money to review on [Instagram] Stories
Я алкоголик, готов получить от вас какую-нибудь бутылку и рассказать о ней в сторис!
— Господин Ведущий (@TheDulberth) 20 марта 2019 г.
Hi! I’m an alcoholic. I’d like to get some free booze to review on Stories (writing to a liquor store’s Instagram account.)
Здравствуйте, я кот Мокот! Я бы хотел получить бесконечый доступ к корму и хлебным корочкам и разрешение на ходьбу по столам и рассказать об этом в сторис >:3 pic.twitter.com/CiGKqxOMVO
— 🇾 🇺 🇱 🇮 🇦 (@hochulia) 20 марта 2019 г.
Hi! I’m a cat. I’d like to receive an endless supply of cat food and bread crumbs, and forever be allowed to walk on tables so I can post a review on Stories
Здравствуйте, @Apple! Я блогер. Я хотел бы получить от вас Macbook Pro, iPhone XR 512 GB, Apple Watch Series 4, Airpods и никому об этом не рассказывать.
— Артём Дерягин (@DerArto) 20 марта 2019 г.
Hi Apple! I’d like to receive a MacBook Pro, an iPhone XR 512 GB, an Apple Watch Series 4, some AirPods, and not review them anywhere!
Здравствуйте! Я блогер. Я бы хотел получить ваши нюдс в ДМ и рассказать про них в твиттере
— анатолий ноготочки💅 (@A_Kapustin) 20 марта 2019 г.
Hi! I’m a blogger. I’d like to receive your nudes via DM and show them on Twitter
Здравствуйте! Мы славяне. Хотели бы получить каких-нибудь варягов и рассказать о них в летописях.
— Digital Madness (@rmstdio) 20 марта 2019 г.
Hi! We’re Slavs. We’d like to get our hands on some Varangians and review them in our ancient chronicles
Meanwhile, after just two days the Twitter craze has morphed into a serious debate about feminism. Lush says its answer to Rapoport was nothing out of the ordinary. “A lot of people write to us. As a rule, people provide more information about themselves. Here, we had a very short request and replied with a standard answer. I don’t think we did anything wrong,” Varvara Afanasyeva, Lush Russia’s brand manager, commented.
And while the noise coming from the online community tends to agree with Lush’s stance, some big names have shown support for Rapoport, who has allegedly received hate mail and threats.
Lush is standing its ground. “It doesn’t matter if we cooperate with this person or not, we’re definitely taking her side because Lush stands for peace, love, and tolerance. We can have different points of view and respect each other at the same time,” a company statement reads. “Lush is very sorry for Bella because of the bullying she’s experienced. We are contemplating giving away some free cosmetics to Bella, but we’re yet to decide,” Lush added.
“Bella Rapoport skillfully substitutes real acute problems of Russian feminism – such as domestic violence, unequal wages, etc. – with shameful begging,” the Russian “
What do you think? Does refusing to give away free stuff to feminists undermine their cause? Let us know in the comments.
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