Top 6 TikTok challenges Russian-style

From acrobatic dances to anti-bullying trends, we compiled a list of the most popular challenges on Russian TikTok that you’ll want to try out for yourself.

1. #Девочкакоторуютыотшил (Girlyoudumped)

Girls from across Russia who got rejected by boys in school compare then and now photos. Those guys must be kicking themselves.

2. #Ямогувоттаквот (Icandoitlikethat)

This trend was spawned by a track by Russian rapper Slava Marlow in which the above words loop round and round. The song quickly caught on with Russian TikTok users, who use it as a soundtrack to show off their skills — from acrobatics and inhuman stretches to drawing and cookery master-classes. 

3. #Днинедели (Daysoftheweek)

Fashionistas from all over Russia share their looks for each day of the week. Unfortunately, because of the lockdown, the only place to flaunt them is in the grocery store.

4. #Яимойидеал (Meandmyideal)

The idea behind this trend is to show pictures of your idol and then of yourself. It turns out that many Russian girls look every bit as good as their role models, so for some it's not hard to achieve their ideal look.

5. #Рашнкарантин (Russianquarantine)

This challenge appeared on the back of the same-titled song by Russian husband/wife pop duo RASA. The point was to come up with the funniest and most original dance for the track to show what life is like under “Russian quarantine.” In the end, almost everyone started doing one and the same dance, which quickly spread across social networks.

6.  #Ябыникогданевстречался (Idneverdate)

The most tolerant trend which aims to combat bullying based on ethnicity or appearance. Users write the phrase “I’d never date a guy/girl with...” followed by their own particular feature, and then show it to the camera. 

“I’d never date a girl who got hit in the eye with glass,” states__dewar__. 

“I’d never date an Armenian girl, 153 cm tall, especially with different-colored eyes — they’re all swarthy and with a big nose :-/,” announces karinamanukyan_. And then reveals that it ain't so.

“I’d never date a 22-year-old disabled guy,” says scredius on behalf of (hopefully not all) women.