Russia opens FOUNTAIN season! Look how amazing it is! (PHOTOS + VIDEO)

In early May, fountain season opened in most Russian cities.

The majestic cascades in Peterhof, which is not far from St. Petersburg, were among the first to unleash their watery delight. 

In Moscow, in just the past 10 years, more than 60 new fountains have appeared.

In addition, there was the reopening of the renovated Soviet-era fountains at VDNH, the fountains at the Tsaritsyno park, and the modern-day fountains at the national World War II memorial on Poklonnaya Hill.

In addition to conventional fountains, you can also admire Floating Fountains in Moscow, on the Vodotvodniy Canal near the Tretyakovsky Bridge. They consist of 17 pieces, each weighing 300 kilos. At night time they are spectacularly illuminated.

In Vladivostok, the fountains were activated on May 1. You can watch this watery spectacle on Sportivnaya Embankment, on Admiral Fokin Street and near the University. They will be active until October 1.

In Novosibirsk, traditionally the first fountain starts up at the zoo; (yes, the zoo where the very sociable manuls live.) 

Russian resorts in the Caucasus and the Black Sea are already prepared to host many summer visitors who will come there to enjoy the good weather and who can count on the illuminated fountains for cooling off during the intense summer heat.

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