Tasty or nasty? This Russian food art will test your imagination - and stomach

Russian Kitchen
Forget about Aivazovsky, Malevich, and Repin, these culinary masterpieces deserve to be hanging in the country’s finest galleries. But would you be willing to try them?

1. Herring under a fur coat… and in a scarf

Dressed herring is a traditional festive dish in Russia () but this new version is more like a babushka than a salad.

2. Sausage elephants

We are speechless...

3. Mayo-mouse

Kids will love this salad. Let’s just hope no mice were harmed in the making.

4. Where’s the salad here?

Would you like some salad with your mayonaise?

5. The hungry mouse

If you think number 4 was a little heavy on the sauce, what about this one?

6. Fake sheep and fox

Sometimes adults will go to great lengths to get their kids to eat.

7. Don’t believe your fish

Don’t be fooled, it’s actually chicken in disguise. Can you guess why it’s undercover?

8. Self-reflection on a plate

Pasta hair, ketchup highlights, and green eyes. Stunning.

9. Hippy sausages

What to cook if you have only sausages, pasta, and ketchup? Here’s the answer.

10. B-day cake, student style

Russian anecdote:

Student A: “Two sausages, please!”

Student B: “Wow, you’re living it up!”

Student A: “And 16 forks!”

11. Alien cake

Indigestion will be the least of your worries after eating this cake.

12. In a romantic mood

Ingredients: Eggs, cucumbers, sausages, and love.

Read more: 10 American foods that most Russians will only try once