‘Aeroflot’ celebrates 100 years with ‘retro’ flights (PHOTOS)

Russian airline Aeroflot recently launched retro-style flights in commemoration of their 100th anniversary in 2023. 

The flight crew meets and serves passengers in custom tailored uniforms inspired by the 1970s. They serve classic meals from the past on porcelain plates also from that decade with a vintage ‘Aeroflot’ logo on them.

In addition to these nostalgic tweaks - each traveler gets a limited edition commemorative badge.

Aeroflot also promises a surprise gift for those who book more than three retro-flights. 

The first such flight (Moscow-Sochi) took off on March 20, while the second is scheduled on June 15 (Moscow-St. Petersburg). 

Several more domestic retro flights are planned for the rest of the year and they can be booked directly on Aeroflot’s website. Bon voyage into the past!

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