Республика Марий Эл, Йошкар-Ола

Mari El (Republic)

Mari El (Republic)

The Mari El Republic is sprawled out over the middle of the Volga River. The Bolshaya Kokshaga nature reserve (the name comes from the Volga’s left bank) is one of the most picturesque places in the republic and the number one destination on any tourist route. 

The capital, Yoshkar-Ola, is like a small Europe. On the Bruges Embankment, a number of Flemish-style houses have been erected: red and white brick facades, bright roofs, decorated with little towers and different-shaped spires. 

Отправиться в плавание на ладье в Йошкар-Оле
Get to Yoshkar-Ola and hop on a boat: Bruges awaits you!