How do Russian leaders look on their IDs?

Is your passport picture better?

Soviet and Russian leaders were—and are—known around the world, but they were still flesh and blood and  had to carry ID with them just like the rest of us. Which one do you like the best?

Vladimir Lenin (Communist Party membership card) 

Joseph Stalin (Communist Party membership card)

Nikita Khrushchev (Communist Party membership card)  

Leonid Brezhnev (Communist Party membership card)

Yuri Andropov (Communist Party membership card)

Konstantin Chernenko (Communist Party membership card)

Mikhail Gorbachev (presidential ID)

Boris Yeltsin (presidential ID) 

Last year, during municipal elections in Russia, Vladimir Putin’s passport was snapped by a sharp-eyed reporter – here is a glimpse of his current passport!

Want to know more about the life of the head of the Russian state? Here’s some insider info: what Putin eats, his transport options and friends.