17 stories about doing business in Russia that you shouldn’t miss

Struggling to find information about establishing and running your own company in Russia? Here it is – we brought together all practical advice and success stories about foreign entrepreneurs in the country that Russia Beyond has reported on in the last few years. You’re welcome!

Setting up a new company in Russia if you’re a foreigner can be a daunting task, but it’s not impossible. Over the last few years we have covered many stories about non-Russian entrepreneurs who have started successful businesses in the country from scratch, and we’ve also offered you an insight into how to deal with the red tape and cultural obstacles that might stand in your way. Check out this list to make sure you are in the know about Russian business!

1) Probably one of the most important things to know prior to making a big decision are the legal requirements for registering a firm in Russia. Read this article and learn about the three options for starting a company available to foreigners.

2) Sanctions and the economic crisis created many opportunities on the Russian market. Check out what sectors have the most prospects for your business here.

3) One of the most popular businesses among expats in Russia is restaurant business, of course. Here is a list of things to know if you are thinking about it as well.

4) Setting up a farm is another promising area that emerged as a result of the Russian food embargo in 2014. Many foreign farmers decided to reap the benefits...

5) What are the main problems that foreign entrepreneurs encounter in Russia and how to avoid them? Expats share their experiences.

6) Why are small business a good option right now? Read our analysis examining the factors that made catering businesses a profitable area for all potential entrepreneurs in Russia.

7) Still not sure? What about the success story of a Russian-Korean who started a watermelon farm in the Urals...

8) Or a story about the French banker who became a leading Russian pig farmer. If they did it why can’t you?

9) There are many more inspiring stories. Just look at this American farmer who is opening his third farm in Russia! His agrarian venture has also made him a Youtube success. Read more here.

10) How about Florentine Marco Melpignano and his Russian wife Roksana who opened a small cheese dairy in Vladivostok? Read about their venture here.

11) And finally, if you are still not convinced, here’s our video about John Kopiski, a British-born businessman who came to Moscow for a three-day trip and ended up staying for more than 20 years. Why did he do it and what business did he start in Russia?

12) What about women entrepreneurs in Russia? How difficult is it for them to make a mark on the country’s business landscape? Experts and female professionals share their insights.

13) Now, a bit of firsthand feedback from a Finnish advisor to the president of the Skolkovo Foundation. In this exclusive column he shared his impressions of Russia and explained why the economic turbulence in Russia turned out to be good for his business

14) Already own a big international corporation and thinking about entering into the Russian market? Here’s what might be useful to know to make your venture successful

15) Is it hard to negotiate with Russians? How do you go about it? In this interview with Moty Cristal, a professor of professional practice in negotiation dynamics at the Moscow School of Management Skolkovo, you’ll find all the answers

16) “Russians are tough” and “don’t have emotions” – do you believe this? Well, you probably shouldn’t. It might be bad for your business, says Professor Cristal in his exclusive column for Russia Beyond

17) Some practical advice on how to greet a fellow Russian business partner from our presenter Tim Kirby. Are you sure you know how to shake hands with Russians correctly?